John Mariner, LCSW

For over 40 years as a philosopher, social worker and psychotherapist, I have counseled individuals and couples on their journeys of awakening and growth. For the past seven years, I have been going through a personal transformation from adulthood to Elderhood. I have emerged from this challenging and amazing journey as an Elder, both including the work I have done in the past and growing into a new level of consciousness and practice. I am in the process of thinking and writing about Elderhood as an emerging stage or line of development following adulthood and look forward to continuing on this remarkable journey.

As a result, I work with individuals and couples from a deeply spiritual as well as a grounded and solid psychological perspective. I am committed to nurturing the growth of evolutionary spirituality and integral consciousness in myself and others as an expression of hope and caring for this world and future generations to come.


Private Practice of Psychotherapy
1980 - 2015

Principal and Seminar Leader, Relationship Resource Center
1985 - Present


M.S.S.A, University of chicago (1965)
Masters of Social Service Administration

B.A., Fordham University (1963)
Major: Philosophy